AUVSI Unmanned Systems Defense 2016

Air Warfare

Davis: Marines Want VTOL Drone Before FVL

AUVSI: There’s money in the 2018 budget to develop a new sea-based, armed vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) drone the size of the Air Force’s MQ-9 Reaper, Marine Corps deputy commandant for aviation, Lt. Gen. Jon “Dog” Davis, says. Davis expects to see them in the inventory well before the Army-led Future Vertical Lift program produces new […]

Air Warfare

Army Vice Chief Allyn Lists Service’s Robotic Priorities

AUVSI: Future warfare will “place a premium on all types of unmanned systems,” the Army’s vice chief of staff said Wednesday, and Gen. Daniel Allyn told the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International his service has five priority objectives for them. “First, these systems must increase our situational awareness, going where manned systems cannot, thereby […]

Air Warfare

Marines Seek To Outnumber Enemies With Robots

PENTAGON CITY: Since World War II, the US military has always expected to fight outnumbered. Soon, however, expendable unmanned systems may change that. For the first time in 70 years, America could have numbers on its side. That turns traditional assumptions about tactics, technology, and budgets upside down. “It does flip things,” said Lt. Gen. […]